Ohio Lead Free Kids Coalition Responds to Governor DeWine’s Budget

The goal of the Ohio Lead Free Kids Coalition is to secure the level of public commitment and investment needed to ensure all Ohio children are safe from lead in their homes and communities. In accordance with these goals, the coalition provided a formal response to Governor Mike DeWine’s budget. Key points included:

  1. Commend the Governor for preserving existing funding for the lead hazard abatement program, but are disappointed that no new funding is dedicated to supporting local primary prevention initiatives

  2. Commend commitment to improve Ohio’s efforts in lead screening with hopes it will be made a priority in renegotiating a variety of contracts with Managed Care Organizations

  3. Commend increased investment in Department of Developmental Disabilities Early Intervention Services for children, but hope Governor DeWine will take over enforcement of U.S. EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting rule from the federal government

  4. Request clarification and adjustment to the personal income tax credit proposed as a tool to achieve a lead-free Ohio.


OLFKC Co-Chair Gabriella Celeste Participates on Lead Prevention Panel


Governor Mike DeWine Creates the Ohio Lead Advisory Committee